Logic Puzzles
A man works on the 10th floor and always takes the elevator down to ground level at the end of the day.
Yet every morning, he only takes the elevator to the 7th floor and then walks up the stairs to the 10th floor, even when in a hurry.
But he will go all the way to the 10th floor when others are in the elevator with him or on a rainy day.
2. At the Pet Show recently I noticed that all except two of the entries were cats, all except two were dogs, and all except two were fish.
How many of each animal were at the Pet Show?
3. Sam's Mother has four children:
April, May, June, and ...
What is the name of the fourth child?
4. A man works on the 10th floor and always takes the elevator down to ground level at the end of the day.
Yet every morning, he only takes the elevator to the 7th floor and then walks up the stairs to the 10th floor, even when in a hurry.
But he will go all the way to the 10th floor when others are in the elevator with him or on a rainy day.
5. You are at an unmarked intersection ... one way is the City of Lies and another way is the City of Truth.
Citizens of the City of Lies always lie.
Citizens of the City of Truth always tell the truth.
A citizen of one of those cities (you don't know which) is at the intersection. What question could you ask to them to find the way to the City of Truth?
6. An old man goes to a bank with a check of $200 and asks the cashier "Give me some one-dollar bills, ten times as many twos and the balance in fives!".
What will the cashier do?
7. Two boys wish to cross a river. The only way to get to the other side is by boat, but that boat can only take one boy at a time. The boat cannot return on its own, there are no ropes or similar tricks, yet both boys manage to cross using the boat.